Ministry of Health National Strategic Plan 2015-2020
This Government starts with a new Tonga Strategic Development Framework (TSDFII) for the Health System for the period 2015-2020. It emphasizes the concept of inclusive and progressive in the entire key component of national development including social sector and the Ministry of Health.
The National Health Strategic Plan (NHSP) 2015-2020 has been positioned in such a way that would provide the best contribution towards the TSDF 2015-2025. It draws upon the Global health development frameworks and goals formulated, proved and agreed upon by member countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as the United Nation but it is carefully customized based on our own context, health needs, equity, accessibility, social inclusion and the affordability of the Government and household to name a few.

The Ministry has experienced a complex, challenging but exciting journey during different layers of reforms such as political and the government reform in the last five years. Following the review of TSDF 1, the Ministry went through a series of reviews such as Hospital Efficiency, Public Finance, Health System and Corporate Plan Review which were complemented by a series of scientific research and data collections such as Demographic Health Survey, STEPS Survey, KAP Survey, to better understand the health problems, causation and the areas that require improvement in terms of service delivery.
The Ministry in conjunction with its development partners and NGOs followed a sector wide consultation and planning approach to formulate the NHSP for the next five years based on the findings of the above reviews and to build upon the global health development framework for the next two decades.
This Plan provides clear and strong links with the Tonga Strategic Development Framework II, global development agenda and also to our development partners, NGOs and the public. It builds on the concept of Tonga Universal Health Coverage by Health System strengthening that carefully addresses the health needs.

Through this Plan, the Ministry is prepared to provide a dynamic health system that can diversify our health care service delivery to always align with the health needs of the public. This Plan features the shift of our planning and service delivery approach and funding from disease specific to a more inclusive systematic approach of Universal Health Coverage. Service Delivery is now considered as our first priority which will be supported by other priority areas such as Health Workforce, Infrastructure, medicine and technology, leadership and governance, information, research, policy and planning as well as health care finance.
Our Mission
To improve the health of the nation by providing quality care through Promotion of good Health, Reducing morbidity, disability and premature (death) mortality.
Our Vision
To be the highest health care Provider in the Pacific as judged by international standard in 2020.
Our core values are:
- Commitment to quality care
- Professionalism Integrity and accountability
- Care and Compassion
- Commitment to staff training and development
- Partnership in Health